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Ministries of Our Parish

​​Volunteering is an integral part of our Parish community. There are lots of opportunities to join like-minded individuals who support a wide range of activities in and around our parish and without volunteers, the Parish will not function as it should. The parish is always looking for volunteers to assist with our various ministries.​

If you wish to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office.

Adult Faith Formation Ministry Button

Adult Faith Formation

Contact: Beth Cook at 905-925-9871 or email Beth Cook 

Ad​ult Faith Formation initiatives provide opportunities to deepen knowledge and understanding of Scripture and Catholic Faith teaching. The most important goal is the development of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who generously serve God and others and live authentic Christian lives in the world today.

Altar Servers Ministry Button

Altar Servers

Contact: Philip Madden at 905-655-0067 or email Phili​p Madden

Children may become Altar servers once they receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Training is provided and the server may sign up for the Mass time that suits the family’s schedule. Servers are also called upon to volunteer on special occasions.

Catholic Women's League Ministry Butt

Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) 

Contact: Linda Butler at 905-728-8511 or email ​Lnda Butler​

An important focus of the Catholic Women’s League is the spiritual development of its members and to be a vehicle for communication and development of Christian companionship among Catholic women. At monthly meetings, plans are made to support religious, charitable and community activities as well as ways to inform the Government of the church’s views on topics of national interest.

Squire Knights of Columbus Ministry Button

Columbian Squires 

Contact: Fred Tuccia at 905-576-2776 or email Fred Tuccia

The Columbian Squires are the official youth organization of the Knights of Columbus. The Oshawa circle was started in 2002. The program gives young men aged 10-18 leadership training and the spiritual and moral guidance that they need to succeed in life through spiritual, service, circle and membership activities.

EDGE Ministry Button

EDGE Crew Ministry 

Contact: Please contact the Parish Office at 905-433-0828

The EDGE crew consists of parishioners with a desire to bring youth to Christ. They bring to life the EDGE Ministry in our parish by active involvement in the Friday evening program. Those unable to commit to a weekly program might consider the Youth Ministry Squad who volunteer occasionally for either EDGE or LIFETEEN.

Eucharistic Minister Ministry Button

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 

Contact: email Dianne Robert

An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist is a Confirmed adult lay person who serves the community of the faithful by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass on a scheduled basis.  

** Euchsristic Ministers Schedule**

First Communion/Reconcilliation

Firdt Communion & Reconcilliation

Contact: Geoffrey Lyn at the Parish Office at 905-433-0828

Knights of Columbus Ministry Button

Knights of Columbus 

Ian Francke at 905 409-8367 or email Ian Francke

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal group of men age 18years and over that work to raise charity for the parish and the needs of our families and community. They meet monthly.

Legion of Mary Ministry Button

Legion of Mary 

Contact: Marion Lukow at 905-725-0131 
The Legion is an organization of men and women who under the direction of our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Paul, respond to specific needs of our Parish such as taking the Eucharist to those who cannot come to the church. Membership consists of Active Members and Auxiliary (praying) Members. Active Members attend the weekly meeting.

Marriage Planning Ministry Button

Marriage Preparation Course 

Contact: Parish Office at 905-433-0828​ 

This program is for couples who are planning to be married. The course covers a series of presentations as well as interactive activities that are given by Archdiocesan-trained leaders.

Baptism Ministry Button

Ministry of Assisting at The Sacrament of Baptism 

Contact: Parish office at 905-433-082

The Role of this Ministry is to assist the Priest or Deacon during the Sacrament of Baptism. Scheduled volunteers ensure that sacramental symbols (oil, candles) are ready and prepare for the required reading.

Claeaning Ministry Button

Ministry of Cleaning the Sanctuary and Sacristy

 Emerise Bourgeois at 905-723-3630

Pairs of volunteers are responsible for dusting and vacuuming the Sanctuary and Sacristy as well as cleaning and refilling holy water fonts. Frequency of rotation on the schedule is dependent upon the number of volunteers. Schedules are prepared for a year in advance.

Confirmation Ministry Button

Ministry of Confirmation

Please contact the Parish Office at 905-433-0828

Hospitality Ministry Button

Ministry of Hospitality

Contact: Ben Witteveen at 905-725-4421

Ministers of Hospitality greet and welcome parishioners prior to the Celebration of the Mass and special liturgies. Other duties include providing information, taking up the collection and handing out bulletins at the Mass for which they are scheduled.

Children's Liturgy Ministry Button

Ministry of Liturgy of the Word for Children

The Children's Liturgy teaches children from ages 4-11 the Liturgy of the Word at their own level with the use of educational tools and crafts. The teams teach once a month during the 11:00 Mass.

Please visit the Ministry of the Liturgy of the Word for Children Web Page


Music Ministry Button

Ministry of Music

 Please contact the Parish Office at 905-433-0828




Chalice Ministry Button

Ministry of Outreach to Developing Countries

Chalice is a Catholic charity that supports community initiatives in developing countries through the sponsorship of children and the elderly. Currently our parish sponsors 3 children: a boy from Bolivia and 2 girls from Guatemala.



Retirement Ministry Button

Ministry to Retirement Homes

Contact: Parish office at 905-433-0828




RCIA Ministry Button

Ministry of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

With the prayerful example that the faith community provides, faithful parishioners serve specifically as Catechists, Facilitators of Breaking Open the Word, (Gospel Reflection) and Sponsors. They are an integral part of the process during which adults journey in faith and Christian formation, seeking to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, (Baptism, confirmation and Eucharist). 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Who Have Reached Catechetical Age Contact: Danny Roy at 905-571-7932 or email Danny Roy

During this process children prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Family members and the parish community are an integral part of the journey. Parishioners assist in this process by serving as Catechists, Facilitators of Breaking Open the Word, (Gospel Reflection) and Sponsors.

Ministry of the Word Ministry Button

Ministry of the Word 

Contact: Beth Cook at 905-925-9871 or email Beth Cook

A Minister of the Word is a Confirmed lay person who prayerfully prepares to proclaim the Word of God at the celebration of the Eucharist. Christ is truly present when God’s Word is proclaimed. Readers serve at one Mass on a 4-6 week schedule.

** Lectors Schedule**

Ministry of the Sick Button

Ministry of Visiting Sick and Shut-ins


Mary Ann Ellsworth at 905-725-4932 or email Mary Ann Ellsworth

The Minister of the sick and the shut-ins visit those parishioners in their homes or at the hospital who are unable to attend Mass. Parishioners receive Communion and are kept in touch with the parish community.

Helping Hands Ministry Button

Occasional Helpers

 Parish Office at 905-433-0828

If you would like to help out in the parish but don’t have the time to commit to a regular position, call the parish office and leave your name and contact information.


Library Ministry Button

Parish Library 

Contact: Ann Olesky at 905-723-9096

Situated in the Alcove in the Main Church Entrance. The library contains books and DVD’s of interest to both Adults and Children. There are many topics that are both informative and inspiring. Parishioners are encouraged to make use of this Library

Reconciliation Ministry Button

Parish Reconciliation and Eucharist Team

Contact: Please contact the Parish Office at 905-433-0828

This coming Fall registered Grade 2 students and their families will attend classes to prepare for their child’s reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. The preparation classes will be conducted throughout the year and will be taught by a Parish team.

St. Vincent De Paul Ministry Button

Society Of Saint Vincent De Paul

 Mike Crosby at 905-243--7643 or email Mike Crosby
The Society of St Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. Members visit families in need, hold food drives, prepare and deliver boxes of food and gifts at Christmas as well as fulfill a monthly responsibility to St. Vincent’s Kitchen.

Volunteer Screening Ministry Button

Volunteer Screening Program

Contact: Joni MacLean email Joni MacLean

The Archdiocese requires that we screen all volunteers for their safety and for those to whom they minister. Responsibilities include that new parish volunteers complete all necessary forms, and if necessary provide a police check and complete an interview.

Webpage Administration Ministry Button


 email Wilfred Camilleri

St. Gertrude's Parish Website is hosted by the Archdiocese of Toronto and maintained by the Parish.